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 2022-11-16 02:11  

Media Pressures and Corporate Disclosure of Social Responsibility Performance Information: A Study of Two Global Clothing and Sports Retail Companies

Muhammad Azizul Islam, Craig Deegan

5. Research methods

Corporations have a number of vehicles available to make disclosures, including annual reports, special purpose social and environmental reports, sustain-ability reports, web-based disclosures, media-based advertisements, and so forth. We elected to review one medium of reporting that was constant through-out the period of analysis, this being the annual report. Because of the period of our analysis, which commences in 1988, we were unable to review social and environmental reports, or sustainability reports, because such reports, as we know them, did not exist in the early years of our analysis. Further, because of the nature of web-based disclosures, which typically do not provide access to previous periodrsquo;s disclosures, it is difficult to gain a perception of the changes in disclosure across time. Also, web-based disclosures did not exist in the early periods of our analysis. Hence, because we wanted to review a medium of disclosure that was used throughout the period of analysis, we restricted our analysis of corporate disclosures to the annual report. We acknowledge that this only provides a subset of the total disclosure being made and we also acknowledge that our decision to exclude other avenues of disclosure acts to introduce a bias against us finding significant results. Even though the annual report is only one medium in which corporations can make disclosures, annual reports are nevertheless reviewed by a broad cross-section of the community. They are also considered to be an important document for managers seeking to shape their organizationsrsquo; own `social imagery (Gray eta1., 1995).

Nineteen annual reports released by Hamp;M and Nike annual reports from 1988 to 2006 were collected. Various sources were used to obtain the reports including the Corporate Library of the London Business School, Swedish Companies Registration Office, Thomson Corporation, and company websites. In analyzing the annual reports, it was necessary to classify the disclosures into various categories of social and environmental disclosure. It was also necessary to adopt a basis of measurement for the disclosure.

In relation to classifying the disclosures, the content analysis instrument used by Hackston and Milne (1996) was utilized with adaptations. The content classifications of Hackston and Milne (1996) which are based on the earlier schemes developed by Emst amp; Emst (1978), Guthrie (1982) and Gray et al. (1995) broadly embraced six categories of disclosure, these being: environment, energy, human resources, product, community involvement, and others. Within these broad themes, further specific categories are incorporated. Additional issues these being improvement of working conditions, child labor elimination, and other human right issues associated with the subcontracting relationship with the manufacturers in developing countries were added to the human resource category. The reason for the inclusion of these issues is that these issues are believed to be key corporate social performance indicators for global companies that source product from manufacturers operating within developing countries. During the coding process we were also open to creating additional categories should it become apparent that other specific areas were the focus of corporate disclosure, or media attention.Appendix1 provides a summary of the classification scheme used in this research.

As we indicated in the section devoted to hypothesis development, our research focuses on positive social and environmental disclosures within the annual report. Consistent with Deegan and Gordon (1996), positive disclosures are defined as disclosures of information about corporate social or environmental activities or performance which present the organization in a positive light and which reflect a positive or beneficial impact upon society or the environment (or both).

The extent of disclosure was measured by the number of words. Number of words has commonly been used in previous social and environmental disclosure research. Further, measures, such as words, have been found to be highly correlated with other measures, such as sentences, or percentage of pages dedicated to particular disclosures (Hackston and Milne, 1996).

The same classification scheme discussed above was also used to classify the content of media articles. While different companies have different reporting dates (Nike, 31 May; Hamp;M, 30November), in order to maintain consistency, we considered media pressures towards each company for the year ending 31 December, 5 months before Nikes reporting date, and 11 months before Hamp;Ms reporting dates. We accept a time lag between the calendar year (for media pressure) and the respective companys reporting date given that previous studies show that there is a lagged effect between media coverage, changes in community expectations, and ultimately, changes in corporate operating and disclosure policies.

Media pressure is measured by the number of relevant negative media articles in the international newspaper media. Consistent with Hogner (1982) and Brown and Deegan (1998), negative (unfavorable) media articles are defined as those articles which contain information about the activities of the company or industry which indicate that the operations/strategies of the company/industry are detrimental to the societies or environments in which the company and industry operate.

Newspaper and press coverage of social issues recorded n high profile international media which address the clothing and sports retail industry over the period 1987-2005 were identified. We specifically searched for articles mentioning the clothing and r



Muhammad Azizul Islam, Craig Deegan





正如我们在致力于假设提出的部分所指出的,我们的研究注重于年报中的社会环境披露的积极部分。Deegan和 Gordon(1996)也一样,积极的披露被定义成企业有关社会或者环境的行为所披露的信息帮助企业树立了正面的形象,或者是帮助企业对社会或者环境产生了积极或有益的影响(或同时产生良好的影响)。



媒体压力根据国际性的报纸媒体所报道的负面新闻所带来的影响来进行度量。我们和Hogner(1982)、Brown和 Deegan(1998)的看法一致,认为不利的媒体报道的定义是那些包含因为企业或者行业的行为而表明企业/行业的行为/策略是对社会和环境有害的信息的文章。

报纸和新闻报道的社会问题的记录功能是由于在1987到2005年间国际媒体高调报道服装和体育运动零售业出现的问题而被确定的。我们特别在道琼斯商业资讯中的行业名称/主题中寻找了提及了服装和体育零售业的有关文章, 我们也搜索了关键字“童工”、“社区”、“企业社会责任”、“人权”、“贫困”、“产品安全”、“社会问题”、“血汗工厂”、“员工福利”、“工作场所安全”、“环境”、“可持续发展”等。




最后,选取的时间段(1987-1988到2005-2006这19年)使得我们有足够的样本来观察媒体关注的变化对于披露层级的影响,这也与同时期的社会和环境会计研究相关(例如,见Deegan等人,2002;Isla和 Deegan,2008)。






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