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 2022-12-07 04:12  

To Arbitrate or To Litigate: That Is the Question


The benefits of interjurisdictional competition, particularly with a customary law option, are discussed. Arbitration can be a mechanism for choosing among systems of substantive law if effective sanctions back arbitration. Powerful groups capture wealth by manipulating monopolized law, however, and arbitratorsrsquo; decisions must correspond with expectations about how they will be viewed under review if a coercive monopoly provides sanctions, so conditions necessary for establishing alternative sanctions are explored. Finally, historical efforts to eliminate or absorb customary commercial law are discussed in light of the analysis of interjurisdictional competition, and the potential for encouraging such competi-tion in emerging markets is considered.

Keywords: arbitration, interjurisdictional competition, customary law, commercial law, lex mercatoria, private sanctions

JEL Classification: JEL Subject Categories: K4, K1, N4

Friedman 1987, p. 173. explains that, for the most part, lsquo;lsquo;the economic analysis of law involves three distinct but related enterprisesrsquo;rsquo;: 1. prediction of the effects of legal rules, 2. determination of the efficiency of legal rules, usually in order to recommend what the rules ought to be, and 3. prediction of what the legal rules will be. In this regard, however, Fuller 1964, p. 106. defines law as lsquo;lsquo;the enterprise of subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules.rsquo;rsquo; That is, law is not simply a set of rules.1 For rules to be part of a legal system they generally must be accompanied by institutions of governance. Such institutions may be required in order to induce individuals to recognize the rules, for instance, as well as to clarify the rules when disputes over their application arise and to change the rules as circumstances change, as suggested by Hart 1961.. Furthermore, both the effects of rules, including the likelihood of enhanced efficiency, and the nature of the rules that will arise, are determined, at least in part, by the governance institutions that accompany the rules. Thus, in contrast to much of the law-and-economics literaturersquo;s focus on rules, an economic analysis of law often should include consideration of the institutions and processes of governance.2 To illustrate this, the following presentation considers one potential characteristic of governance: interjurisdictional competition. It does so by focusing on commercial law and the fact that internationally, and domestically in many countries, private arbitration is


an alternative dispute resolution mechanism to litigation in public i.e., state. courts.

To the degree that arbitration might be considered in the law and economics literature it is typically treated as a procedural choice for resolution of contract disputes we.g., Brunet 1987.x, and it clearly is true that arbitration may be chosen for any of a number of procedural reasons. The following presentation focuses on another potential function of arbitration, however: arbitration may also provide a mechanism for assuring that the contracting partiesrsquo; preferred substantive law is applied. To illustrate this, Section 1 provides a brief discussion of modern interna-tional commercial arbitration and its role as a mechanism for jurisdictional choice. The fact that arbitrators can be instructed to turn to a specific source for its substantive rules does not prove that such a jurisdictional choice has any real significance, of course. At least two other conditions must hold.

First, there must be differences in the substantive rules of law across jurisdic-tions, and from the perspective of the parties to the dispute, the rules enforced through litigation must both differ from and be less desirable than the rules applied through arbitration.3 Section 2 suggests why this might be the case in the context of a general discussion of the benefits of interjurisdictional competition. In particular: 1. specialization in law across multiple legal jurisdictions and competi-tion between them are desirable due the degree of complexity and diversity that exists in commerce and in many other aspects of life ., 2. interjurisdictional competition facilitates the evaluation of rules and the acceptance of lsquo;lsquo;goodrsquo;rsquo; rules, and stimulates the production of new rules when the need arises, and 3. interjuris-dictional competition constrains the ability of those with political power to use law as a transfer mechanism. Compared to legal systems that involve legislated rules imposed through coercive institutions, the processes of customary law are much less likely to produce or maintain biased substantive rules or institutions of governance that can transfer wealth, as explained in Section 3 where the general characteristics of spontaneously evolving customary law are also discussed. This explains the observation in Section 1 that customary law is particularly attractive in international trade relationships.

A second condition may also be necessary for arbitration to serve as a mecha-nism for real jurisdictional choice. Since a party that expects to lose in an arbitrated dispute might refuse to honor a contractual promise to arbitrate, and a party that does lose may refuse to comply, some means of inducing parties to accept arbitration may be necessary. If the relevant sanctions are provided by national governments, as many observers contend, then the individuals employed in the relevant governance institutions of the nation backing the arbitration e.g., judges. may require that arbitration rulings be con



BRUCE L. BENSON bbenson@coss.fsu.edu






弗里德曼1987,p173解释说,对于大多数的一部分,“法律的经济分析涉及三个不同但相关的企业:1、法律规则的影响预测2、通常是以推荐规则应该是什么为目的法律规则的效率的确定,3、预测法律规则将是什么。然而,在这方面,福乐19641,P 106,将法定义为“使人的行为服从规则治理的“企业”,即法律并不是简单的一套规则。规则是通常必须伴随着机构治理部分的法律系统。这样的机构可能需要以引导个体识别的规则,例如,以及澄清规则在应用时出现纠纷,改变规则,随着环境的变化,如HART 1961 解释:此外,无论是规则的影响,包括提高效率的可能性,和将出现的规则的性质,被确定下来,至少部分,伴随着规则的管理机构。因此,在很多的法律和规则的经济学文献的重点,法律的经济分析一般应包括制度和流程治理的考虑。2为了说明这一点,下面的陈述认为,治理一个潜在的特点:跨界竞争。它通过专注于商业法和国际上,在许多国家,私人仲裁是一种替代性的纠纷解决机制,在公共场合,即国家。法院。






几乎所有的国际贸易合同条款,明确排除诉讼由交易双方国家法院和涉及任何争议无法通过也许调停人的帮助协商解决。仲裁伯曼和达塞1990,33页..大约百分之八十的这些合同在卢的1978时间有仲裁条款,589页。研究中,例如,他认为,随着时间的推移,“更加多winternational交易者x。..向仲裁。”最近的研究证实了卢的预测:卡塞拉1992,p. 1,伯杰1994,12页。和其他人报告说,大约百分之90的国际贸易合同中包含的仲裁条款在90年代初。

鉴于这种对仲裁的依赖,国际商务纠纷仲裁的潜在来源,这一点并不奇怪。大量的国际贸易协会有自己的冲突解决程序,使用仲裁员在关注贸易问题的专业知识,协会会员经理三年前,例如,拉撒路,等。1965。讨论了超过120个这样的法庭,其他交易员依赖于国际商会国际商会。仲裁机构。ICC仲裁是国际商务专家,通常选择从不同的国家起源于当事人的。此外,国际贸易争端的仲裁可由仲裁员由国家特定组织世界各地的我们。例如,美国仲裁协会AAA。,对commercex的匈牙利政府下属的匈牙利伊恩室。临时仲裁,也广泛应用bockstiegaluml;1984、21页,并在这方面,有一个快速增长的市场,在民间纠纷解决服务的营利性公司提供,至少在美国本森1990,223页] 224、1998d,1998g,113页] 116;射线1992。

国际仲裁是有吸引力的一些程序的原因。专业化的仲裁者选择他们的专业知识和声誉阿申费尔特1987。意味着仲裁通常是更快,那么正式,和更少的昂贵的程序比诉讼,部分是因为当事人没有在仲裁员提供尽可能多的信息,避免错误的判断会给非专业法官或陪审团本森1989,forthcoming-a ..另一个好处是当法院的时间分配等,由于时滞往往可以商业仲裁服务的毁灭性可以购买在市场或没有延迟本森1989贸易协会提供,做..其他潜在的重要程序的效益包括事实,如果需要的话,可以保持深色隐私1987;伯恩斯坦1992,和仲裁一般不“adversarial 比 transaction-rupturing”威廉姆森1979,250页。诉讼,因此更容易让延续互利关系的重复处理本森1989、1995年..任何纠纷的adversarial”当然,但仲裁的使用一般是出于相对积极的经济激励措施,解释如下。


一个实体法的选择是选择仲裁的法律规则和冲突,但这是没有必要的。相反,“usual方式”决定相关实体法的国际商事仲裁是决定案件的exclusively对合同的解释和相关的贸易惯例,很少取决于问题的适用wnationalx法”bockstiegaluml;1984,pp. 27,23 .. 6卢1978,581页。可记录walso看到trakman 1983详细分析。并结合等。1992。X显示原理,“回答每一个纠纷是存在显见的合同本身。两党都在做什么,他们都同意了什么?“如果仲裁员不能发现的当事人的意图在合同中,然而,这是可能的情况下,由于纠纷发生,他们必须决定各方预期或应该有预期的,在这方面,国际仲裁等一般故意的denationalize”颁奖并试图让他们接受的显示的一致性与接受传统规则的相关商业社区卢1978,582页] 585。合同可以明确规定一个特定的商业团体,例如,贸易协会的惯例和用法。应该被应用,或者这可能只是被理解。惯例和使用习惯。提供默认的规则,在任何情况下,仲裁员适用习惯规则是公认的国际法体系内担保的非盈利的一方,”卢1978,p. 585,除非某一国家的实体法已在合同中约定。事实上,尽管许多国家的政府可能无法同意他们的公民之间的贸易规则,在特定的国际商业团体,如正式的贸易协会,非正式的贸易团体的规则,相对的国际统一。作为商人使用仲裁员而不是国家的法院,从而取代冲突的国家法律和公认的商业习惯戴维1985,138页:“owing没有效忠任何主权国家,国际商事仲裁的特殊责任,发展和应用的国际贸易法”卢1978,589页..占主导地位的国际贸易仲裁适用法律,越来越多地被称为商人法的只有1992,1页。,是习惯法,解释如下。但为什么习惯法在其他实体规则的来源上比其他的更为优先?为了回答这个问题,让我们先考虑跨界竞争的好处。



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