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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-03-25 10:03  

摘 要







With the progress of science and technology and the popularity of the Internet, digital technology is in rapid development, and gradually affect our daily life, people's reading style, communication and access to information the way all great changes have taken place, the traditional publications such as words, pictures, voice is gradually transformed into digital works, all kinds of mobile end development also enrich the carrier of the digital works, increased the transmission way, yet people enjoying the benefits of the digital technology bring also produced a series of problems, including the Internet under the digital works copyright problem is one of the most prominent problem.The purpose of the Internet is open and sharing, and produces one of the principles of copyright is to promote the enthusiasm of citizens creation, encourage intellectual creation, and promote the development of science and culture, the protection of the citizen's personal rights and interests of the two itself exists conflict, and the law itself has a lag, cannot solve all the problems in reality, digital works copyright protection problems are unavoidable.There is no doubt that the future will be the digital era, People's Daily lives will also have to deal with digital works, so the insufficient knowledge of the digital works copyright protection and improve the relevant legal system, to help promote the healthy and orderly development of digital publishing.

The first part of the digital works is defined, this paper introduces the concepts of digital works, depending on the source of the digital works creation will be divided into digital products and digital, and detailed analysis of the characteristics of digital works.

The second part clarify the relationship between the digital works related law, which includes the copyright law and real right legal relations, and according to the copyright person, traditional publishing, digital publishing institutions, legal relationship between readers and analysis of digital works around the conflict of interest between the different subjects.

The third part around the current situation of the digital works copyright protection in China first introduced the existing digital works copyright protection legal system, and further discusses the existing digital works copyright infringement.

In the fourth part, the problem of digital works of our country is proposed in the legal system and the technical protection level.At the legal level, respectively, puts forward the implied license system, information disclosure system, strengthen supervision mechanism and further provision of technical measures, in the aspect of technology protection are introduced digital power management, chain blocks, copyright seal and the timestamp of the latest technology protection measures.

Kay Words: Digital Works;Digital Techology;Copyright Protection;

目 录

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究思路与方法 2

1.3.1 基本思路 2

1.3.2 研究方法 2

第2章 数字作品概述 4

2.1 数字作品的概念 4

2.2 数字作品的分类 5

2.2.1 作者与数字出版商 2

2.2.2 传统出版商与数字出版商 2

2.2.3 数字出版商与读者 2

2.3 数字作品的特点 5

3.1 数字作品相关的法律关系 7

第3章 我国数字作品版权保护现状 7

3.2 数字作品相关主体间的利益冲突 9

3.3 我国数字作品版权保护现行相关法律 11

3.4 数字作品常见的侵权行为 12

第4章 数字作品版权保护机制的完善与建议 13

4.1 完善相关法律法规 13

4.2 采用技术保护措施 14

4.2.1区块链 2

4.2.2版权印 2

4.2.3时间戳 2

4.2.4数字权利管理 2

结论 22

参考文献 23

第1章 绪 论

1.1 研究目的与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

互联网的诞生使得出版的形式发生了巨大的变化,作者不仅通过出版商来出版作品也可以选择网络服务提供商来出版。在网络环境下,数字作品的出版有着巨大的商业潜力。部分人利用技术手段来侵犯他人的合法权益。由于网络环境下侵权责任人难以确定、网络传播速度快、网页众多等特点,版权人在实施维权时取证困难,甚至无法知晓侵权行为存在,因此难以维护自己的合法权益。为了真正实现版权人与公众之间的利益 平衡,这需要政府、管理部门、版权人和公众的共同努力,在法律、管理、技术方面采取相应措施。从现实情况来看,网络肆意侵权行为依然严重。网络用广借助这些平台来发布他人享有版权的文章、图片和视频,但无法查证这拽信息是否得到版权人同意。而信息分享平台上网络用户可以任意复制、下载、传播分享信息,这些行为没有经过任何人同意。我国版权纠纷案件的数量仍然居高不下,而且涉及到的案件错综复杂,面临着责任人以及侵权赔偿数额难以确定的局面。公众希望能够以更低的成本获得更有用的信息,不惜触犯法律、管理条例或乱用破解软件技术;版权人为了维护自己权利和经济利益,不惜采用“版权保护”类技术措施来防止作品被盗用;网络环境下“合理使用”的范围也无法界定;法律想要实现两者之间的利益平衡,如何达到两者之间利益平衡,实现真正意义上的信息资源共享、文化传播,需要有相应的解决方案。从理论意义来看,网络环境下的数字作品作为一种智力成果,理应受到版权法的保护。但是网络环境复杂、版权主体、侵权行为以及侵权责任难以确定,使得版权人无法依据法律条款来保护自己的合法权益。在以互联网作为信息、文化主要传播媒介的今天,解决网络环境下的版权保护与限制问题显得更为重要。


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