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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-23 10:03  

摘 要






In recent years, the total mileage of the motorway and the highway transportation industry have developed rapidly every year .Asphalt pavement as a low noise, driving comfort pavement structure has been widespread concerned around the world. However, the early damage of asphalt pavement and the low service life seriously affected the the national economy and people's traffic behavior. In order to carry out the service behavior prediction and the maintenance of asphalt pavement more effectively, this paper has selected HANSHI motorway as the field inspection locations , and took a simulation on the local highway pavement in the laboratory.

In the laboratory, this research use the UTM-25 testing machine to analyze the fatigue life of the rut and non-rut samples’upper,mid,buttom layers which acquired from simulated Asphalt Pavement, the results show that the fatigue life of the rut pavement is lower than non-rut pavement, and the road rutting damage makes the pavement more sensitive to the pressure change, more susceptible to have the pavement failure phenomenon. The fatigue life of the upper layer samples is more sensitive to the stress change than the middle layer samples. Under the condition of little stress ratio, the fatigue life of the upper layer samples is obviously larger than that of the middle layer samples.

At the same time, through four components analysis of the samples of the upper layer, it can be found that the upper layer asphalt samples had a serious aging phenomenon,which caused a reduce of the contents of saturates ,aromatics and resins ,and a significantly increase of asphalt content.The traffic load has little effect on the asphalt samples’ aging process. The asphalt in the middle layer and the bottom layer only produced short term aging, and there was a change of the saturates and aromatics to resins. The aging properties of the two kinds of surface samples were similar.

Key Words:Fatigue performance; asphalt pavement; asphalt four component; rutting

目 录




第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究意义及背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 3

1.3 研究内容及研究方法 4

1.3.1 本研究的主要内容 4

1.3.2 主要研究方法 5

1.4 技术方案 6

第2章 原材料 7

2.1 集料 7

2.2 沥青 8

2.3 矿粉 8

第3章 模拟沥青路面疲劳性能研究 9

3.1 研究概述 9

3.1.1 间接拉伸回弹模量 9

3.1.2 间接拉伸疲劳 10

3.2 模拟沥青路面上面层疲劳性能研究 10

3.3 模拟沥青路面中面层疲劳性能研究 13

3.4 本章小结 15

第4章 模拟沥青路面微观分析 16

4.1 沥青微观分析研究概述 16

4.2 模拟沥青路面上面层四组分分析 17

4.3 模拟沥青路面中面层四组分分析 18

4.4 模拟沥青路面下面层四组分分析 18

4.5 本章小结 19

第5章 总结 20

参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………21


第1章 绪论

1.1 研究意义及背景



为了解决路面早期破坏问题从而延长路面使用寿命,对沥青路面服役行为的模拟预测研究显得尤为重要。准确地模拟路面服役行为对预测其性能的衰减规律以及制定沥青路面养护方案具有重要的指导意义。本研究主要以湖北省汉十高速公路为主要研究对象,湖北省汉十高速公路是国家规划建设的西部开发八条公路干线中银川至武汉公路的重要路段,是湖北省“大三角”高速公路主骨架中的重要组成部分,是国家批准的重点建设项目。汉十高速公路全长508.68km,由孝感至襄阳段、襄阳至十堰段、十堰至漫川关段组成,其中孝感至襄阳段全长243.516km,是湖北省首条绿色环保高速公路,襄阳至十堰段全长158.218 km,十漫高速公路全长106.945公里,是湖北省第一条山岭重丘区高速公路。本研究针对湖北省内真实的气候条件,对汉十典型高速公路进行现场路面性能进行全寿命室内模拟研究来研究其性能衰减规律以及判断路面的合理养护时间,通过测试模拟芯样的间接拉伸回弹模量和间接拉伸强度来研究沥青混合料性能的变化,通过抽提回收沥青性能表征沥青老化程度来评价完整的湖北汉十高速沥青路面相应的老化情况。

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