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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-23 09:03  

摘 要






In the ever-changing power industry today, the conductive industry is paid more and more attention. Because of the lack of copper resources in China and rich in aluminum resources, and aluminum conductivity and copper gap is not large, aluminum is considered using instead of copper for electrical conductivity. Sc, being focused on researching, is recognized as the best alloying effect on aluminum alloy, only a small amount can greatly improve the comprehensive mechanical properties of aluminum alloy. To better study the role of aluminum in the field of wire, the study of Sc is essential to its strengthening, very practical significance.

In this paper, 6063 aluminum alloys with different Sc contents were first cast, each of which was classified into cast and T6 aluminum alloys. The Sc content of 6063 aluminum alloy with the best comprehensive performance was determined by the experimental analysis of microstructure, electrical conductivity and comprehensive mechanical properties of cast and T6 aluminum alloys.

The results show that the tensile strength, elongation and hardness of cast aluminum alloy are increased by 36.9%, 26.1% and 26.6% respectively, and the T6 alloy increases by 43.6%, 9.5% and 19.8% respectively compared with those without Sc element. The mechanical properties of the increase, but the addition of Sc will reduce the amount of conductive properties, the maximum reduction is only about 3%; while the same component of the aluminum alloy, T6 state tensile strength and hardness, conductivity compared to In the as-cast have a greater increase, while the elongation has declined. It is found that the Sc element can refine the grain of the aluminum alloy by the metallographic structure diagram, and the grain refinement effect is the best when the content is 0.25wt%, so it has good mechanical properties. After the solution aging treatment, the Mg2Si phase Diffused into the Al matrix, while the rich Sc is also evenly distributed, so the tensile strength and hardness, elongation decreased.

Key Words: Aluminum alloy; Scandium; Mechanical properties; Conductivity

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 架空输电的发展 1

1.1.1 架空输电对材料的选用 1

1.1.2 国内外铝合金导电使用现状 1

1.2 铝合金概述 2

1.2.1 铝合金分类 2

1.2.2 6063铝合金 3

1.3 稀土金属Sc及其在铝合金中的应用 3

1.3.1 稀土金属Sc 3

1.3.2 Sc对铝合金的影响 3

1.3.3 含Sc铝合金应用 5

1.4 铝合金的强化机制 6

1.4.1 细晶强化 6

1.4.2 形变强化 6

1.4.3 固溶强化 6

1.4.4 弥散强化 6

1.5 研究内容和意义 7

第2章 实验方法 8

2.1 实验设备及材料 8

2.1.1 实验材料铝合金 8

2.1.2 其他实验材料 8

2.1.3 实验仪器设备 8

2.2 实验流程 9

2.2.1 合金铸造 9

2.2.2 热处理强化 9

2.2.3 金相制备 10

2.3 材料测试与表征方法 10

2.3.1 材料金相组织观察 10

2.3.2 SEM-EDS能谱分析 10

2.3.3 导电性测试 10

2.3.4 力学性能测试 11

第3章 Sc对6063铝合金性能的影响 12

3.1 Sc对6063铝合金力学性能影响 12

3.1.1 铸态铝合金力学性能 12

3.1.2 T6态铝合金的力学性能 13

3.1.3 力学性能影响分析 14

3.2 Sc对6063铝合金导电s性能影响 16

3.2.1 铸态铝合金导电性能 16

3.2.2 T6态铝合金导电性能 18

3.2.3 导电性能影响分析 19

第4章 结论 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22










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