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 2022-11-29 11:30:08  


摘 要





Research on Energy-Aware Routing Strategy in Mobile Social Network


With the development of mobile networks, wireless mobile devices are also rapidly promoted. Humans have a unique social behavior. People carrying wireless devices as mobile users, multiple mobile users constitute a mobile social network. Each node in a mobile social network is similar to each mobile user. Due to the free movement of nodes, sometimes connected, sometimes disconnected and sometimes the instability, leading to the reduction of message transmission success rate and the loss of messages, so in order to improve the transmission success rate and message loss, the current research is focused on how to design appropriate route forwarding mechanisms and routing protocols. When forwarding messages, social behaviors such as past location, frequency and duration of mobile users are taken as reference to predict and select the optimal relay nodes to facilitate the transmission of the message more purposeful and directional, and achieve the most efficient and most reliable transmission, so as to improve the transmission efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Besides this, the limited energy also restricts the message transmission of the nodes and reduces the network lifecycle. Without consideration of the loss of each transmission of the message, the node will causes the rapid energy depletion of the node, resulting in the node message transmission is not successful or delayed too long.

To achieve the balance of energy and transmission performance, the routing algorithm based on social energy performance balance is studied. This paper considers the social and energy loss of nodes, in the consideration of mobile loss and message transmission loss, the social probability utility value as the judgment conditional transmission message, the message transmission tends to nodes with high social probability utility value, so as to achieve the balance of energy and performance. The social probability utility value of the node combines the social utility of the node with the encounter probability. As time changes, encounters arise between moving nodes, and differences between nodes lead to differences in encounter probabilities. The social utility between nodes reflects the strength of the relationship between nodes, and the social utility applied in this paper is a weighted fusion of intermediary centrality and similarity. Later, based on the original routing algorithm, we further consider the loss of receiving messages. Although the energy loss of the received message is smaller than the transmission loss, it also affects the message transmission to some extent.

Finally, through the simulation on the Matlab, it is proved that the routing algorithm based on social energy performance balance can balance energy and performance. By comparing the transmission success rate, average transmission delay and routing overhead ratio, the results show that the algorithm considering the receiving loss has better performance in information transmission.

Keywords: Mobile Social Network, Routing Protocol, Energy Performance Balancing

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 研究现状 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 论文章节结构 1

第二章 相关研究论述 3

2.1 移动社会网络概述 3

2.2 移动模型 3

2.2.1 经典移动模型 3

2.2.2 基于统计的实际移动模型 3

2.2.3 基于社区的移动模型 3

2.3 路由机制研究 4

2.3.1 基于复制的路由算法 4

2.3.2 基于预测的路由算法 4

2.3.3 基于编码的路由算法 5

2.3.4 基于上下文的路由算法 5

第三章 基于社区的路由传输策略 6

3.1 移动网络模型 6

3.2 社会网络 6

3.2.1 中心性概述 6

3.2.2 计算社会度 7

3.2.3 计算社会效用值 8

3.3 路由协议设计 9

3.4 仿真分析 10

3.4.1 仿真参数设置 10

3.4.2 仿真性能比较 10

3.5 本章小结 14

第四章 基于社区的能量感知路由协议 15

4.1 能量感知路由协议设计 15

4.1.1 节点的能耗速率 15

4.1.2 剩余能量阈值 16

4.1.2 功效函数 16

4.2 能量感知路由协议设计 16

4.2 仿真分析 17

4.2.1 仿真参数设置 17

4.2.2 仿真分析 18

4.3 本章小结 21

第五章 总结 22

5.1 文章总结 22

5.2 未来展望 22

致 谢 23

参考文献(References) 24

第一章 引 言

1.1 研究现状

移动社会网络[1](Mobile Social Network,MSN)是一种特殊的延迟容忍网络[2](Delay Tolerant Network, DTN)。由于节点的自由移动,节点之间出现有时连接,有时断开的不稳定情况,传统的路由技术难以工作,所以提出新的移路由转发机制。移动社会网络中固有的社会性被当做转发消息的评判标准,以便于消息的传递更具有目的性和方向性,以此提高传递效率和减少能耗。把移动用户的过往位置、频率和持续时间等社会行为作为参考,以此预测和选择最优的中继节点,达到最高效和最可靠的传递。

移动社会网络中的节点,在找到合适的中继节点之前,需要携带信息一边等待一边移动,这意味着会出现消息传输的时延大等问题。在移动社会网络中,节点的主体都是人,人移动的差异性大并且人与人之间的存在联系,所以目前的研究有专注于节点移动模型。同时,路由算法性能的优劣与网络的性能息息相关。到目前为止,科研人员已经给出了许多路由算法,有 Epidemic[3]、PROPHET[4]、 EC[5]、Simbet[6]和BubbleRap[7]等路由协议。

1.2 研究目的和意义



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