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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2021-04-21 22:33:52  

摘 要






In recent years, the domestic tourism industry in the national material and cultural needs of rapid development, a variety of different types of hotel brands have emerged. Among them, the economic hotel with its special structure positioning and convenient service mode to make its product structure has been fully optimized, which has been widely recognized by the public. But it is because of the advantages of economy hotel convenient and fast, cheap, so many investors at home and abroad choose to invest in this industry, resulting in the current situation of the economy hotel industry internal competition intensified. Most economical hotels in China lack the competitive power in the industry due to the similar marketing methods, the same sales concept and the lack of corporate culture characteristics. Therefore, how to improve the traditional marketing strategy, optimize its marketing strategy and business philosophy, is the economy hotel industry can be further promoted the top priority. On the basis of defining the concept of economical hotel, taking rujia express hotel, the leading brand in the industry, as an example, this paper analyzes and discusses the development situation and existing problems of economical hotel, and through literature collection and actual situation analysis, makes in-depth study on its marketing strategy, and puts forward appropriate personal opinions on the development direction of economical hotel in China in the future, with a view to providing effective help for the development of economical hotel industry in the future.

The results show that in the process of development, Econo Hotel should give full play to its own "small and special" advantages and reflect its own advantages and characteristics, so as to attract more consumers. This paper puts forward the corresponding strategies for the marketing strategy of Home Inn, hoping to improve the advantages of the Wuhan Home Inn by giving full play to the advantages of green marketing, making use of various marketing channels and molding the marketing professional team, so as to realize the profit of the enterprise and realize the ecology. The coordinated development of environmental and social interests.

Key Words:economy hotel; Marketing strategy; Such as home inns

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究综述 1

1.2.1国内研究综述 1

1.2.2 国外研究综述 2

1.3研究内容和方法 3

1.4 本文技术路线图及创新点 3

第2章 经济型酒店营销策略的基本理论 5

2.1经济型酒店的定义、特征和分类 5

2.1.1经济型酒店的定义 5

2.1.2经济型酒店的特征 5

2.1.3经济型酒店的分类 5

2.2 营销策略理论 5

2.3 绿色营销理论 6

2.4 网络营销理论 7

第3章武汉如家快捷酒店营销策略的现状及问题分析 8

3.1 如家快捷酒店简介 8

3.2 武汉如家快捷酒店市场调查 8

3.3武汉如家快捷酒店的SWOT分析 9

3.3.1优势分析(Strengths) 9

3.3.2劣势分析(Weaknesses) 10

3.3.3机会分析(Opportunities) 11

3.3.4挑战分析(Threats) 11

3.4 武汉如家快捷酒店营销问题分析 12

3.4.1目标市场不够明确 12

3.4.2网络营销手段不完善 13

3.4.3 缺乏专业的营销队伍 13

第4章 武汉如家快捷酒店营销策略 14

4.1 明确市场定位 14

4.1.1产品定位 14

4.1.2目标市场定位 14

4.1.3竞争定位 14

4.2 完善网络营销建设 15

4.2.1 利用公司网站 15

4.2.2 积极进行口碑营销 16

4.2.3 辅以营销组合手段 16

4.3 培育高素质营销队伍 17

结束语 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20

附 录 21

第1章 绪论


在如今这个全球经济一体化的时代背景之下,随着人民对物质文化的需求日益增长,酒店行业的发展也进入了前所未有的新阶段。在这种特殊的时期内,这种适合人类需要的且具备创新特征的经济型酒店就诞生了[1]。锦江之星是最早出现的经济型酒店,意味着经济型酒店在我国的发展正式地拉开了帷幕[2]。到如今,伴随着国内经济实力的快速提升,繁荣旺盛的旅游业及各种各类的商务活动,使得经济型酒店的的发展也渐渐进入一个特殊的繁荣阶段,许多优秀的经济型酒店品牌在这个阶段纷纷入驻各个省市,不仅涌现出许多本土品牌,如7天、如家等,许多国外知名品牌如宜必思(Ibis)、方程式1(Formula 1)也在国内占据有一席之地[3]。各种经济型酒店百花齐放的局面带来的不仅有这一行业繁荣昌盛的盛况,与此同时,重重挑战也显现在眼前。面对着激烈的行业内竞争压力,如何使自身在残酷的竞争氛围中脱颖未出,那么经济型酒店酒店就应该在其营销策略上下功夫,摆脱传统营销方式条条框框的局限性,走上一条更加创新发展的道路。在如今这个市场竞争无比激烈的时刻,优化自身营销策略,提升自身与其他产品竞争力,是经济型酒店能够发展自我的唯一出路。本文以武汉如家为例子,通过了解经济型酒店的发展现状来解析其在营销策略方面出现的诸多问题,针对这些问题讨论,提出个人的见解与想法,以期为经济型酒店的发展提供有价值的参考。





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