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    英语学习者组句能力比较研究 A comparative study of EFL learners sentence combining开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)2. Literature review 2.1 The relationship between sentence combining and syntactic complexity The goal of sentence combining is not to produce longer sentences but rather to develop more effective sentences while syntactic complexity is one of the most crucial measurement indexes for sentence combining ability. Syntactic complexity refers to the number and type of transformations used in a sentence. Fodor, J amp; Garrett, M (1967) have maintained that a sentence becomes more complex as more transformations are added. In other words, the more complex one sentence#8217;s syntax is, the higher one#8217;s sentence combining ability is. 2.2 Factors influencing syntactic complexity Syntactic maturity is manifest in the many aspects, such as the length of each unit, the amount of clauses embedded and the scope of structure type ( Ortega 2003: 492). Hunt (1970) identified three main indexes to establish the level of text p

    Effects of Repetition on English Majors’ Oral Proficiency 非流利重复对英语专业学生口语流利度的影响开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1. IntroductionWith the fast growth of science of technology at home and abroad, international communication is increasingly frequent. To begin with, English serves as a tool that Chinese people can use to learn about other countries, as well as demonstrate China to the world. Whats more, as the most widely used language in the world, English is of a progressively significance in communication. Although peoples communicative competence is enhancing, it still cannot meet the needs of social development. There are various kinds of problems in oral English, such as disfluency, which leads to misunderstanding.Disfluency is common in language production (Ma, 2013) and there exists various kinds of disfluencies. People do not always plan and prepare every utterance in advance in everyday communication. When speakers cannot make up a complete utterance at once, they may choose to delay their speech, repair and repeat what they have s

    Effects of British Accent at Different Speaking Rates and Difficulty Levels on Listening Comprehension 不同语速和难度的英音材料对听力的影响开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献) 1.结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写2000字左右的文献综述: 1. Introduction Listening is one of the important skills in learning English. Accordingly, it also plays a crucial role in teaching English. As a result, English teachers have to pay more attentions to listening training. What#8217;s more, in nowadays English tests, such as CET4, CET6, TEM4, TEM8 amp; GRE, British accent is widely used. It is believed that speaking rates affect listening comprehension. Therefore, we try to find the effects of British accent at different speaking rates on listening comprehension. Moreover, as for English major students, it will help them to achieve better performance in listening comprehension. 1.1 Need for the study According to many previous studies, accents, difficulty of listening materials and speaking rates are thought to be important fact

    A Study on the Differences in Cognitive Style between English Majors and Non-English Majors 英语与非英语专业学生认知风格差异研究开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1.Introduction1.1 Research backgroundCognitive style is a unique and stable style that an individual displays when processing and organizing information in cognitive activities such as perception, thinking, memory, and problem solving (Hao s behavior after thinking, organization and other internal psychological processes when facing a specific situation (Jin, 2007). Regarding the study, there have been a large number of successful scientific research cases at home and abroad, which are of great significance for better understanding the individual differences of different learners. Cognitive style, as a variable with individual differences in human performance, has been studied for a long time. As early as more than 100 years ago, psychologists such as Galton (1879) noticed that some people mainly represented and processed information in the form of verbal symbols, while others preferred to use graphics to represent and process


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Literature Review 2.1 Theoretical issues 2.1.1 Levelts Model of Oral Production An influential model of speech production is put forward by Levelt in 1989. Declarative knowledge is distinguished from procedural knowledge. Automatic processing is differentiated from controlled processing. Levelt`s speech production model consists of the following components: a knowledge component, a conceptualized, a formulator, an articulacy and a speech-comprehension system. What is most close to oral output is the conceptualization, the formulator and the articulator. In the conceptualization, the speaker chooses the declarative knowledge related to the intentions and orders the information for pre-verbal message. In the formulator, the speaker selects acceptable language forms from the mental lexicon to convert pre-verbal messages into phonological plans. Then the actual speech is realized in the articulator. 2.1.2 Language proficiency The

    中学生英语课堂焦虑调查An Investigation of Primary School Students’ English Classroom Anxiety开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Introduction Anxiety is an important emotional factor affecting language acquisition, and emotional factor is the most important factor causing individual differences in English learning.It is generally believed that anxiety has a negative impact on English learning, and the relationship between anxiety and English learning is negative. However, through repeated studies, people have a new understanding of anxiety in language learning: anxiety is not only negative to language learning, but also has a positive side. Horwitz and Cope (1986) compiled the scale called "English classroom anxiety scale (FLCAS)". The research on relationship between language learning and anxiety on gradually increase. Many scholars have viewed l high school students and college students as an object of study of the English classroom anxiety status, the research on the primary school English classroom anxiety is less. However, in contemporary societ

    听力输入频数对英语学习者词汇习得的影响 The Effect of Listening Input Frequency on EFL Learners Vocabulary Acquisition开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Literature review The effects of different tasks are manifest in vocabulary acquisition. It means that the ability of vocabulary acquisition can be improved by a variety of tasks. Generally speaking, the main related tasks are below: reading comprehension and the listening input frequency. In a series of studies (Nagy et al. 1985; Nagy et al. 1987; Nagy and Herman 1985, 1987), Nagy and his colleagues defines theory which is widely accepted today in both first and second language acquisition. Central to their theory is that incidental vocabulary learning is a gradual process in which gains are made in small increments with repeated encounters needed to gain full knowledge of a word.In fact, several researchers in the field of vocabulary acquisition (Laufer, 1991, 1997; Nation, 1993; Ridgway, 1997; Smith, 1998) found that vocabulary knowledge was closely related to reading comprehension. In reading an English text, vocabulary di


    全文总字数:14399字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.1 Purpose and significance The title of this graduation design is "Matching Design of a Type of Vehicle Transmission System Based on AVL-Cruise", the purpose of which is to design different matching parameters for a vehicle transmission system, and then use AVL-Cruise software for modeling analysis and comparison. Based on the analysis results, analyze the impact of different matching methods on the vehicle's power and economy, and finally, select the appropriate matching method according to the needs. Reasonable matching of the transmission system can effectively improve the vehicle's power and fuel economy, for example:the main transmission ratio is large, the power is enhanced,the main transmission ratio is small,and the economy will be better; the more the number of transmissions, the more power and the better the economy[1]and so on. Each set of matching data needs to pass the continuous verification and testi


    1. 研究目的与意义及国内外研究现状 不久前,屠呦呦从中药黄花蒿中提炼出出青蒿素,并因此获得了诺贝尔奖。这势必会引领一股中医药热潮。而中药具有疗效好,副作用小,对环境污染小等优点,深受广大人民群众信赖。但由于大部分利用中草药治病的处方的用法及用量都因人而异,只能依靠医生的处方进行配药。同时,中草药独特的形状,状态都加大了中药配置上的难度。不仅难以满足大部分患者的需求,同时也限制了中药在国际市场的竞争力。中药颗粒剂出现于70年代,在80年代的中药工业生产中曾以年递增41.9%的速度发展。颗粒剂的发展日趋成熟,大型中医院为无法熬制或时间不充裕的患者提供颗粒剂。但在大部分中医院都实行网上挂号、自助机挂号,利用人工缴费或自助缴费来完成看病流程。但在取药阶段仍然只能依靠配药医生来分配。

    An Empirical Investigation into Acceptance of English Metaphors by Chinese Learners of L2 English开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义 Metaphor, with its diverse andimaginative features, has become one of the most representative rhetoricaldevices. With the deepening of the study of metaphors, researchers begin tofind that it is not merely a figure of speech, or just a linguistic phenomenon,but has become a significant mode of thinking. Taking native Chinese speakers(college English major students classified according to the grades of TEM4) asobjects, this research adopts the method of questionnaire survey to study thedifficulty of production caused by different types of metaphors as well asunderstand metaphorical productive competence of learners at different proficiencylevels. The main significances of this topic are asfollows: In the long run, the cultivation of metaphors productive competence can not only help the students to enrich their language expression, but also attribute to develop their innovative thinking ability, enhancing their interest and confidence in English learning






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