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    Solid phase chemical synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of a bioactive peptide from cinobufagin venom toad –KKFVDLKKIANIL-NH2开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义Objectives: Peptides with the sequence of KKFVDLKKIANIL-NH2 from cinobufagin venom toad need to be synthesized with the utilization of solid phase chemical synthesis, and with the index of the minimum inhibitory/bactericidal concentrations (MICs/MBCs), antibacterial efficacy of the peptides is going to be examined.Significance: Nowadays, many serious diseases, like tuberculosis or tetanus, are caused by pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, because of unfavorable economic factors and regulatory challenges in gaining approvals, the development of novel antimicrobial agents has stagnated for many years. Therefore, the research on antimicrobial agents allows of no delay. At present, antibiotics are the most widely used agents to combat bacteria while many bacteria have generated resistance to it. According to the previous experimental findings, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are widely considered as the most potential alternatives to antibiotics. Therefore, we choose AMPs


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1、Objective and significance of the design Electric vehicle becomes more and more popularbecause of its no pollution. The growing popularity of hybrid and electric carshas revived interest in replacing a single internal combustion engine within-wheel electric motors, a technology that many think of as a recent idea butone that has been around for more than a century. The electric car’s powersystem lies in the wheels, providing more inner space available for users. Thevehicle driven by in-wheel motor, withits unique advantages, will become an important field of research anddevelopment of electric vehicle. However, moving the power system from the bodyto the wheels brings a problem to the placement in the wheel; further more, thewheel mass will increase, the mass ratio of the body to wheel will decrease bythe mounting of power system, thus decreasing the car smoothness, increasingdynamic load of wheels, decreasing road frie


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.1目的及意义 近些年来,随着科技的不断进步,电子产品逐渐在人们的日常生活中得到了广泛的应用。电子产品的体积也逐渐缩小化,这促进了印制电路板的迅猛发展,电路板不再是原来那种结构简单,空间布局充足的形式,而逐渐变成集成度较高,甚至是大规模集成电路。而随着大规模集成电路的一步步发展,集成电路的封装技术也不断进步,使芯片的集成度变的更高、性能更完善、pcb板布线层数更高、芯片内布线更合理、元器件间距尽量小,元器件密度更高。 而在科技如此发达的今天,集成电路的发展,产品的测试工作在日常生活的各大领域中起着举足轻重的作用,它大大影响到产品的生产效率、产品合格率和企业的制造能力。测试工作的能力水平高低不仅仅影响到企业的发展,甚至在国家的发展中也起着

    Diagnosis and treatment of bladder stones in dogs and cats开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述) Bladder stones, also known as urinary calculi or uroliths are mineral crystals that are formed into clamps in urine, which are common in both dogs and cats. The stonesoccurrence can be genetic, diet or medication and can cause serious discomfort in pets. Bladder stones differ in size and some can bepassed in urine without even noticing and some may lead to obstruction[1,5]. There are several factors which are responsible for the formation of urinary stones and it is important to understand the treatment and prevention of the stones, that includes optimal pH which favors saltcrystallization, high concentration of salt in urine[2,8]. There is higher risk of stone calcium oxalate formation in advancing age, more than it is in no-calcium oxalate forming dogs. Early intervention should be considered to minimize the disease morbidity[3,9]. Imaging and physical examination are required to diagnose and locate the stones, urine

    Empirical Research On Pragmatic Abilities in English Learning of NUFE Students开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义In China, the aim of English teaching is developing the academic abilities of students. As a result, second-language learners as we are, Chinese students find it still difficult to talk to foreigners in a fluent and proper way after a long-term study, although they all have a good understanding of English grammar and vocabulary, which has become a huge issue among college students. What, then, is the point of learning a second language? From my point of view, the point is to speak it in a native way rather than study its grammar and vocabulary. That is to say, although linguistic and pragmatic abilities are both important to second-language acquisition, pragmatic abilities play a more significant role in expressing.My article is about the empirical research on pragmatic abilities of NUFE students, the analysis of the statistics, as well as the solutions to develop students#8217; competence. And I am going to get some specific statistics through the research amon


    1. 研究目的与意义 抑郁症是一种常见的精神性疾病,又称抑郁障碍。患者主要表现为情绪低落、思维迟缓、认知障碍,严重者会有自杀倾向[1]。性别差异是抑郁症治疗过程中需要探讨的核心因素之一[2],过去有研究表明性别差异会导致抗抑郁药的治疗效果出现差异化[3]。抑郁症发病过程往往伴随海马小胶质细胞的异常改变[4],调节海马小胶质细胞的形态和功能可能是抑郁症的防治的重要靶标。慢性不可预测性应激(chronic unpredictable mild stress,CUMS)是一种常用的构建啮齿动物抑郁样模型的实验方法。有研究表明预先激活雄性小鼠的中枢小胶质细胞反而可以逆转随后由CUMS诱导的小鼠焦虑、抑郁样行为[5]。脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)是革兰氏阴性细菌细胞壁外壁的组成成分,可以激活Toll样受体诱导小胶质细胞的功能发生改变。在正常的小鼠体内,LPS


    1. 研究目的与意义 1.现状和发展趋势 抑郁症是现代社会的常见病、多发病,其发病机理复杂,是是多因素相互作用的结果。近年来,研究者发现抑郁与免疫功能异常密切相关。 以往研究认为,免疫细胞异常激活是抑郁症的重要病因之一[1],因此,通过给动物注射细胞因子刺激剂脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)成为诱发抑郁样行为常用方法之一[2, 3]。然而近年来,越来越多的证据表明免疫功能的激活在慢性应激诱导的抑郁模型不同阶段具有不同效果。小胶质细胞是中枢固有免疫细胞。在慢性应激前使用低剂量LPS激活海马小胶质细胞,可以抵抗后续遭受的慢性应激;而慢性应激期间激活海马小胶质细胞会导致更严重的神经炎症反应,小鼠则表现出更严重的抑郁状态[4, 5]。鉴于不同年龄阶段小鼠中枢固有免疫反应能力具有很大差异,我们推测固有免疫预


    1. 研究目的与意义基于嵌入式技术的网络化控制系统是控制技术与网络化信息技术相结合的产物,已经在控制领域中得到了广泛的重视。并且在工业4.0即将到来的背景下,这预示着嵌入式系统技术将会获得更为广阔的发展空间。2. 研究内容和预期目标希望设计一款性价比达到特殊应用场合的基于嵌入式系统的网络化控制器,包括用户界面和控制算法,并通过一项较典型的控制装置实验对该控制器的处理控制运算算法和网络通讯性能予以验证。3. 研究的方法与步骤研究方法: 1、主要通过图书馆、网上浏览及实地调研等方法收集材料。2、实验法,通过一些必要的验证性实验,进行可行性分析。步骤:1.控制器的选型设计制做和调试;2.实验装置的设计与制作;3.控制器和实验装置联动试验;4.最后完成毕业论文4. 参考文献[1] 丘东元,何文志,张波


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1. Introduction 1.1 Need of the study Small words are those special words which have features of adverbs and forms of prepositions. They are used to modify and complete the verbs in front of them, but they themselves alone cannot serve as the subjects, predicates, objects or any other sentence elements. Though they may have no concrete meanings in sentences, they are of great importance. They show various types of relationships in dialogs and it will be difficult for us to understand the context if we ignore those small words. It is frequently used in English as statistics show that among ten words which are most commonly used, three of them are small words. However, EFL learners have paid little attention to the use of small word in practicing their oral English. It is pointed by Hasselgren (1998) that lexical chunks or discourse markers could be named ”Small words” (short for SW) in EFL learners#8217; spoken English


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)文 献 综 述宽量程、高精度气通量的自动检测摘要本文首先对宽量程、高精度气通量的自动检测的定义、意义、研究重点、研究状况进行了介绍;并介绍了可用于完整性测试的泡点仪、膜孔径测试仪的主要结构、主要功能与特色以及在大孔径泡点测试方法中的应用;然后通过简要介绍国内外研究状况和存在的问题,并就这些问题在现有的基础上进行针对性解决。关键词:宽量程高精度气通量自动检测泡点仪一、选题相关概念与定义在分离技术领域中,膜分离技术被认为是21世纪高精分离技术之一,它不仅在油气化工、机械电子、食品医药等领域得到广泛应用,而且在废水处理、海水淡化等领域也得到深入研究和应用[1]。膜分离技术的研究,目前主要集中在三大领域,一是分离膜材料的研究、二是分离膜






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